[asterisk-users] regarding sip.conf and extensions.conf

viswavardhanreddy karna viswavardhanreddy at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 22:14:04 CST 2011

Hi all,
            My experiment scenario is like this:

SIPp Uac -----------------------------> ASTERISK
SERVER---------------------------------->SIPp uas

1. when i had registered bob with this command     ./sipp -sf
register_client.xml -inf register1.csv -i -p
5061 -m 10000 it has registered....

If i want to register another client alice with same command but with few
changes in port number ...etc..... The first registered client is erased and
showing second one when i have checked with sip show peers and sip show
registry................... Why is this happening?

2. if i want to register 4 clients at same time how can i give sip.conf and
extensions.conf.............. ? i mean how can i write 4 sip.conf in same
sip.conf and extensions.conf?

and finally i need some thing about

3. When i send register messages from 5 clients at a time how can the
asterisk server handle them ?
suppose if we have written many sip.confs how asterisk server will take ?

i mean diagram like this

1st client....xml+.csv file----------------->
2st client....xml+.csv file----------------->asterisk
3st client....xml+.csv file----------------->

in sip.conf if i have written 3 sip.confs which one will be taken by server
first and which one by second i mean like sequence?

Best R
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