[asterisk-users] asterisk login to voicemail

Dan Journo dan at keshercommunications.com
Thu Apr 7 17:44:17 CDT 2011

> Unfortunately, that solution will not work for me... The user must be able to hit * during the greeting of any voicemail and be prompted for the "Password" to that particular mailbox.... looks like i got a lot of programming to do to create a work around for this... thanks for your help...
Forgive me if i'm wrong, but you guys seem to be over complicating things.
Taken from: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+cmd+VoiceMail
during the prompt if the caller presses:
 '*' - the call jumps to extension 'a' in the current voicemail context.
    Exten => a, 1, VoicemailMain(@default)
    Exten => a, 2, Hangup
When using the star '*' it's important to note that the context you placed the application voicemail in is irrelevant, it's the context for the voicemail box that we're looking for in the dialplan for the jump to the 'a' extension.

So this is what i do...
Before passing the call to the voicemail app, i set ${MAILBOXCONTEXT} to the correct context, and i set ${MAILBOXID} to the mailbox name.
Then, in extensions.conf, I added this:-
exten => a,1,Playback(astcc-please-enter-your)
exten => a,n,VoicemailMain(${MAILBOXID}@${MAILBOXCONTEXT})
When the user presses *, they are passed to the 'a' extension above and into VoicemailMain.
I'm sure you can turn this into AGI easily enough if needed.

Dan Journo
Kesher Communications (UK)
Business Phone Systems<http://www.keshercommunications.com/> | Hosted PBX<http://www.keshercommunications.com/hostedpbx.html>

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