[asterisk-users] Alert-Info advice

Ishfaq Malik ish at pack-net.co.uk
Wed Sep 29 09:13:01 CDT 2010

Hi guys

I'm using asterisk 1.4 and going on to Snom phones. I'm trying to add a
sip header to make the Snom phone use a different ring tone on one
particular incoming number. I have added the following to the dial plan
of the incoming context

| id   | context          | exten | priority | app          | appdata
| 2656 | pack-01616601906 | s     |        4 | SIPAddHeader |
Alert-Info: alert-group | 

and in the config of the phone I have set Alert Group Ringer: to Ringer
5 but when a call comes in it's still the default ringer that rings.

I've also been lead to believe that I can set a URL for a custom
ringtone in the Alert-Info header but can't find the exact syntax

Does anyone have any experience of this?


Ishfaq Malik
Software Developer
PackNet Ltd

Office:   0161 660 3062

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