[asterisk-users] being bombarded with SIP packets
Gordon Henderson
gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Thu Oct 28 05:59:56 CDT 2010
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010, Norbert Zawodsky wrote:
> Am 28.10.2010 12:14, schrieb Per Jessen:
>> Ishfaq Malik wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 09:41 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
>>>> Over the last two weeks, we have had at least two "incidents" where
>>>> our asterisk server got flooded (a hundred or more per second) by SIP
>>>> packets. Once from, second time from
>>>> We became aware of the problem when bandwidth started suffering
>>>> because asterisk got very busy sending back replies or rejects (dunno
>>>> which, I didn't investigate it any further).
>>>> The immediate issues were dealt with by having the firewall drop
>>>> those packets, but I was wondering:
>>>> 1) if anyone has seen the same problem, and
This is not new - just Read The Fine Archives. Been going on for years.
You're not the first, not the last.
Google for sipvicious.
>>>> 2) if you've got some iptables rules for limiting inbound SIP by
>>>> rate? (or some such).
>>>> thanks
>>>> Per Jessen, Zürich
>>> Was it legitimate requests or a brute force attack? If it was a brute
>>> force attack have you considered using fail2ban?
>> It appears to be brute force, but I haven't bothered to investigate any
>> further. fail2ban is at best a kludge IMHO, and I don't like anything
>> (automatically or otherwise) modifying my firewall. Like Nortbert
>> suggested, I'll check the archives to see what others have done.
>> /Per Jessen, Zürich
> Per,
> (didn't want to be unfriendly to you !!!!!)
> As you say, "you don't like anything to modify your firewal". My words !
> Someone (don't remember who & when) on this list showed me a very clever
> trick (=iptables rule) to drop the packets if too many of them arrive
> within a given period of time. Works really great !!!!!
Possibly me - I did post something - you might want to look at
An issue I've found with this is that is that while it works to protect
your asterisk box, it does take up a considerable amount of CPU/kernel
time to process - so running on embedded hardware isn't a good idea.
There are other things you need to do to - but do get the sipvicious
source code - it has a crash program in it - however I'm finding that this
works less and less now because the criminals who're trying to steal your
VoIP minutes have upgraded - however the upgrade is a little nicer when
you firewall it out.
And do make sure you have
in the [general] section of sip.conf. Most of the time that will protect
you as the criminals will do a single pass to try to identify accounts
that are valid, then find none, then move on.
Sometimes they don't though and use the 'force' option in sipvicious. Then
youy're SOL....
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