[asterisk-users] Asterisk died without any message, segfault

Benoit maverick at maverick.eu.org
Wed Oct 27 08:33:01 CDT 2010

On 27/10/2010 12:59, Krzysztof Urbaniak wrote:
> Hi!
> We've experienced asterisk has gone without any message, it wasn't any
> segfault, anything in asterisk messages log that says about shutting
> down.
How do you launch asterisk ? did you try without 'safe_asterisk' or 
anything like it,
just 'asterisk -cvvv' within a 'screen' for example ?
> Has anybody got similar problem?
Have you searched the bugs repository ?
> Asterisk is version 1.4.29-1 from digium repository.
there is a few new releases for 1.4.x, it is mostly bug fixes.
I would suggest you try the latest one and if it still dies build it 
with debugging options

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