[asterisk-users] TCP port, VPN and resolving the cutting voice problem

bilal ghayyad bilmar_gh at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 30 03:28:46 CST 2010

Hi All;

Can I run the IAX on TCP port instead of UDP port?

If I ran IAX in TCP port, and in case my network was having a lot of users doing browse on the internet and downloading, so in that case and if the IAX used TCP port, so the voice will be better than using UDP (because in TCP the lost packets will be resend while in TCP it will not which will cause the voice to be cutting)?

Same thing if we used the VPN, and in case of other users are using the Internet to do browsing and downloading then the voice quality will be better than without VPN as the VPN is using TCP?

The internet bandwidth is not that small .. but the users are doing a big amount of work and we would like to overcome the packets losses in case of using the UDP as the packets are not resend.

Any advise for this?

What could be a solution that I can apply it to resolve the voice cutting if the Asterisk was using the internet that is shared with the users in the office that are doing download and browsing?

One more thing, what about using the Buffering or any other technique that can help to overcome packet losses due to the internet download and browsing?

Appreciate any help or advise?



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