[asterisk-users] Make call in AMI.

Rodrigo Lang rodrigoferreiralang at gmail.com
Sat Nov 20 09:26:07 CST 2010

> [Nov 19 16:49:56] NOTICE[23371]: chan_local.c:655 local_alloc: No such
>> extension/context 04191028897 at interMovel creating local channel
> can you display interMovel context ?
> Is there any entry matching 0419102889 in interMovel context ?

Oh! Like I'm stupid. This basic detail went totally unnoticed. Thanks for
the reply and sorry for my fault. The context:

context interMovel {
        _00XX[7-9]XXXXXXX => {  &saidaGSM(${EXTEN:1}); }
        h => { &hangupGlobal(); }

It worked properly when I added one more zero. Thanks again.

Rodrigo Lang
Opening your mind - Just another Open Source
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