[asterisk-users] Ekiga can register but not my IP phone

Alejandro Imass ait at p2ee.org
Fri Nov 19 06:42:27 CST 2010

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Benoit Chabrier <chab at chab.info> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a Sip phone (Siemens C470IP) which works perfectly with
> different VoIP providers (iptel, betamax, ovh...). It also worked well
> with my testing server (ubuntu and inside the LAN).

I am assuming you mean Asterisk on Ubuntu inside the LAN

> But now the problem i have is that the hardphone doesn't connect to my
> dedicated server (debian lenny / Asterisk The strange thing
> is that ekiga can connect to the same asterisk server with the same
> SIP account.

Is this outside the LAN?
Is there NAT in between?
SIP is a pain in the ass with NAT, so it's the only thing I can think
of. Usually in my experience it's the other way around! Ekiga is the
one that doesn't work and tends to be very quirky (takes a long time
to quit, has strange registration quirks, etc.), I mean when compared
to HW SIP device.

> Here is a part of my sip.conf :
>    [general]
>    dtmfmode=auto
>    language=fr ; pour les messages lus par asterisk
>    disallow=all
>    allow=ulaw
>    allow=alaw
>    allow=speex
>    [siemens]
>    type=friend
>    context=interne
>    host=dynamic
>    secret=xxxxxxxx
> When i'm doing a sip set debug ip XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX i have some
> information. It seems that asterisk receives the rengistration request
> but doesn't answer to it. Here are the logs :
> http://server.chab.info/Registration_logs_ip_phone.txt
> Using Ekiga with the same SIP account (name is siemens) and from the
> same physical location works well :
> http://server.chab.info/Registration_logs_ekiga.txt
> I didn't change anything about asterisk config (except sip.conf and
> extensions.conf).
> If you have any idea, please share it with me, i really don't to do to
> fix this problem...
> Thanks in advance !

The only thing I can think of are NAT issues with SIP. If you are in
fact NATing try the Siemens phone to a direct IP to the server (no
NAT, firewall, etc.) and see.

Alejandro Imass

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