[asterisk-users] Maybe a little OT??--- Obtaining DIDs in Hyderabad, India

john millican jmillican at sentinelcommunications.com
Mon Nov 15 10:22:39 CST 2010

I originally thought I should post to the biz list but I am not looking 
for offers of DID's, I am looking for actual user 
experiences/information on obtaining a DID for an Office I am working 
with in Hyderabad, India.
Can anyone offer recommendations based on personal experience of where I 
might be able to obtain said DID?  This will be 90% inbound traffic and 
only within India.
If anyone feels strongly that I should have indeed posted this to the 
biz list, please accept my apologies but, I felt I would get more 
pertinent info here.  Based on this info I can then go to the biz list 
and ask for offers or straight to the discussed provider.
Thank You,

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