[asterisk-users] VoIP Uses Conference: Friday November 5th: Cloud Computing

Michael Graves mgraves at mstvp.com
Fri Nov 5 09:26:05 CDT 2010

This is just a brief reminder that today's VUC call will be about cloud
computing with some emphasis on voice applciations:

We have assembled a small panel of experienced people to discuss the
mattering, including:

Eric Chamberlain, Founder of RF.com, 
Presenter to Astricon 2009 on running Asterisk in the Amazon EC2 cloud.

Jason Goecke, Tropo
Asterisk developer, founder of Adhearsion, now with Voxeo

Greg Weidenhammer
A VUC regular who works on massive scale systems for HP.

Tim Higgins, Publisher of Small Net Builder
Also publisher of the new site Small Cloud builder

It starts at 12 noon EDT. For more info or connect details see


Michael Graves
sip:mgraves at mstvp.onsip.com
skype mjgraves
Twitter mjgraves

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