[asterisk-users] Questions About Fax for Asterisk

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Thu May 6 15:11:53 CDT 2010

Yes, I purchased licenses for Fax for Asterisk and yes I called tech support
and had the WORST experience I have ever had with any technical support

I am running Asterisk and:

FAX For Asterisk Components:
voipgw01Digium FAX Driver: (optimized for c3_2_32)

The guy was arrogant and absolutely a jerk and I don't like to call people
names, but call it as I see it.  This has not been my experience the five or
six times I have had to call Digium over the years, but it has been many
years since my last call so I have no idea what the general support staff is

I could not get any questions answered by the tech that took hours to call
me back to tell me to read the readme.  That would be all well and good if I
didn't pay money.

He could not explain Digium's math as far as faxing and failed to offer to
get back to me with any kind of answer.

Maybe someone on the list can make sense of this Enron style of accounting:

voipgw01*CLI> fax show stats
FAX Statistics:

Current Sessions     : 1
Transmit Attempts    : 0
Receive Attempts     : 336
Completed FAXes      : 320
Failed FAXes         : 57

Digium G.711
Licensed Channels    : 4
Max Concurrent       : 1
Success              : 0
Switched to T.38     : 0
Canceled             : 0
No FAX               : 1
Partial              : 0
Negotiation Failed   : 0
Train Failure        : 3
Protocol Error       : 0
IO Partial           : 0
IO Fail              : 0
Digium T.38
Licensed Channels    : 4
Max Concurrent       : 4
Success              : 175
Canceled             : 0
No FAX               : 6
Partial              : 19
Negotiation Failed   : 0
Train Failure        : 83
Protocol Error       : 33
IO Partial           : 0
IO Fail              : 0

Steve Totaro
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