[asterisk-users] Time counting while playback

Pham Quy quyps at vega.com.vn
Thu Mar 25 21:46:10 CDT 2010

>> I think you would be more successful and have more control if you wrote 
>> it as an AGI.  Then you could set a timer that would interrupt the 
>> process and you could do what you like from there (hangup?).  I think 
>> you are asking too much of the dialplan.

> I would tend to leap into an AGI also, but did you try setting an absolute 
> timeout?

> Externivr() may also be a good approach.


I've been searching for some example of ExternIvr(), but didnt find
any. Can you point where can i find example of how to use ExternIvr()

Thanks in advances


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