[asterisk-users] AEL in 1.6 and Gosub

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Mon Mar 15 13:47:01 CDT 2010

Am 15.03.2010 13:48, schrieb Kevin P. Fleming:
> Klaus Darilion wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I just updated from 1.4 to and Asterisk complains about my AEL
>> dialplan:
>>     application call to Gosub affects flow of control, and needs to
>>     be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead
>> What is the suggested replacement for an explicit Gosub() call? I use it
>> like this:
>>     ...
>>     Gosub(blacklist,${exten},1);
>>     ...
>> context blacklist {
>>     _+43900! =>  Hangup();
>>     _+43910! =>  Hangup();
>>     _+X. =>  return;
>> }
> In 1.6, AEL macro() is implemented using Gosub(), so you can use it as a
> direct replacement. This is listed in the CHANGES file.

Hi Kevin!

I know that AEL macro does not use Macro() anymore, but Gosub(). But 
does that imply the other way round too?

Using an AEL macro (which is implemented as Gosub) instead of a Gosub 
does not work as the target is a context, not a macro which is 
implemented as pseudo context with an 's' extension.

I do not see a way to implement the above dialplan using an AEL macro. 
Do I miss something?


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