[asterisk-users] dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.1+2.2.1 failed to compile

Nitesh Divecha nitesh at vipernetworks.com
Sun Mar 14 14:14:38 CDT 2010

Thanks Tzafrir....

Kinda solve the issue by commenting out following: -

CHKCONFIG       := $(wildcard /sbin/chkconfig)
UPDATE_RCD      := $(wildcard /usr/sbin/update-rc.d)
ifeq (,$(DESTDIR))
#  ifneq (,$(CHKCONFIG))
#    ADD_INITD  := $(CHKCONFIG) --add dahdi
#  else
    ifneq (,$(UPDATE_RCD))
      ADD_INITD := $(UPDATE_RCD) dahdi defaults 15 30
#  endif

I don't know if this will cause any Asterisk installation... I m not 
going to use any Dahdi hardware...


Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 01:32:09PM -0400, Nitesh Divecha wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I'm trying to do a fresh installation on Ubuntu Server 9.10 (Karmic) 
>> 64-bit but I am getting error when "make config" is trying to install 
>> the init script... Here is the output: - Can anyone help me please... 
>> Thanking in advance...
> The dahdi-tools Makefile tries to use chkconfig first before update-rc.d .
> On your system chkconfig actually exists, but it uses insserv (with
> service dependencies) and aparantly you have many services on your
> system without proper depdendencies declared. Unless those are old and
> unpurged ifles from obsolete packages.
> In short: I'm not sure what's the proper fix here (as opposed to the
> workaround of avoiding chkconfig .

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