[asterisk-users] Extensions.conf changed but not take effect

Zhang Shukun bitzsk at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 03:38:39 CST 2010

hi, All

one thing confused me a long time.
when i change the extensions.conf file. why not take effects after
restart the asterisk? details as follow:

my dailplan is :


exten => _95040XXXXX,1,Set(CALLINNUM=${CALLERID(dnid)})
exten => _95040XXXXX,n(start),Answer
exten => _95040XXXXX,n(welcome),Background(${welcomefile},,123)

exten => i,1,Playback(invalid)
exten => i,2,Goto(${CALLINNUM},welcome)

first, i have changed  _95040XXXXXX  to _95040XXXXX ,  but when excute

exten => i,2,Goto(${CALLINNUM},welcome)

cli error message as follow:

 -- Executing [s at extinvalid:2] Goto("SIP/1000-00000005",
"95040,_95040XXXXXX,welcome") in new stack
[Mar 10 17:17:27] NOTICE[5057]: pbx.c:3731 pbx_extension_helper:
Cannot find extension '_95040XXXXXX' in context '95040'
[Mar 10 17:17:27] WARNING[5057]: pbx.c:9602 pbx_parseable_goto:
Priority 'welcome' must be a number > 0, or valid label

do you know what's wrong? does asterisk have some buffer or cache
files? although i change but read the old file?

thank you very much!

Best regards,

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