[asterisk-users] Mail-2-Fax and Fax-2-Mail solution for Asterisk with T38

Thorolf Godawa nospam at godawa.de
Sat Mar 6 17:50:41 CST 2010


I am looking for an Mail-2-Fax and in a second step Fax-2-Mail-solution
that works via T38 with Asterisk, currently still version 1.4 but it
also should work with 1.6.

For Mail-2-Fax I am thinking that you either have to install a special
printer-driver on your Windows-PC (Mac and Linux would be good too),
where you can print your fax too and where you have to enter the
destination number.

Second possibility would be, that the user sends an e-mail with the
attached fax to the server, the server has to open the attachment,
converts it and sends it via T38 to the number found in the e-mail-body.
I would prefer if the attachment would be an image or pdf only, but it
also might be nessecary to support office-formats too.

The Fax-2-Mail-solution might be more simple, the system receives the
T38-fax, converts it in TIF, JPG or PDF and send it via E-Mail to the
person that is assigned wit the fax-number.

I would prefer a Linux-based opensource-solution, but if there are other
good solution I might look at them too!

So every suggestion would be nice,

thanks a lot,

Chau y hasta luego,


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