[asterisk-users] Playback in h extension

Christian Victor christian at victormedia.de
Fri Mar 5 14:21:34 CST 2010

2010/3/5 Danny Nicholas <danny at debsinc.com>:
> Not possible.  H exten is called by a hangup.

Well - sometimes not both parties hang up at the same time. ;-) If you
want to play something to the originating party after die Dial()ed
party hangs up use the option "g" in the Dial command to get more
commands executed after the called party hangs up. There you could
check the system variable DIALSTATUS to check if the called party
ANSWERed the call or was BUSY etc.

I hope that helps a bit. I just wrote it from the back of my mind.
Please check the documentation of the Dial command.

If you are not in a Dial() situation Danny's comment applies. ;-)


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