[asterisk-users] Free 'Locked up' Channels

Brian Chamberlain brian at dotnet.ie
Wed Mar 3 15:23:20 CST 2010

Hi All,

Asterisk .22 .29 - pretty much every Asterisk install we have out there exhibits this.

Just wondering how to free a channel that will stay eternally busy ala:

carl*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)             
SIP/101-Dotnet-09bb2 *8 at from-inside-Dotne Down    (None)                        
1 active channel
0 active calls

This channel is not active. But Asterisk will never free it. Unfortunately it affects SIP subscriptions so people think this extension is always busy.

Restart when convenient is no use because Asterisk will always think this channel is in use.

I can force a restart but I would prefer if there was a way to free this channel from the CLI.


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