[asterisk-users] realtime queues "membername" problem

Jean Chassoul chassoul at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 13:46:15 CDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Rob Coward <rob at jive-videos.net> wrote:

> I'm just about to start experimenting with realtime queues, so can't offer
> anything from my own experience, but what happens if instead of updating the
> existing row, you delete it and insert a new one for the new user ?
> ie. DELETE FROM queue_member_table WHERE id=1;
> INSERT INTO queue_member_table
> (membername,queue_name,interface,penalty,paused) VALUES
> ('OtherUser','in_pruebas','SIP/1336','1','0');
Hi, the result of delete or update is the same if I only change the
membername field :(....

Asterisk CLI:

*CLI> queue show in_pruebas
in_pruebas has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime),
W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s
      xxxx (SIP/1336) with penalty 1 (realtime) (Not in use) has taken no
calls yet
   No Callers

mysql> select * from queue_member_table where queue_name = 'in_pruebas';
| id   | membername | queue_name | interface | penalty | paused |
| 4528 | xxxx       | in_pruebas | SIP/1336  |       1 |      0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from queue_member_table where id = '4528';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from queue_member_table where queue_name = 'in_pruebas';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into queue_member_table
(membername,queue_name,interface,penalty,paused) VALUES
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from queue_member_table where queue_name = 'in_pruebas';
| id   | membername | queue_name | interface | penalty | paused |
| 7261 | chassoul   | in_pruebas | SIP/1336  |       1 |      0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Asterisk CLI:

*CLI> queue show in_pruebas
in_pruebas has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime),
W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s
      xxxx (SIP/1336) with penalty 1 (realtime) (Not in use) has taken no
calls yet
   No Callers

as you can see the problem is the same, I really don't know why or what to
do with this :( please help!
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