[asterisk-users] Unable to set callerid for incoming skype calls

Matteo Piazza matteo.piazza at trentinonetwork.it
Tue Jun 22 02:47:28 CDT 2010


I'm using the usual Set(Callerid(num) function to change the incoming 
from skype callerid but it's not working.

Asterisk 1.4.31 and last release of skype channels

This is the dialplan

exten => _0X.,1,NoOP(${CALLERID(num)} - ${CALLERID(name)})
exten => _0X.,n,Set(STRINGA="Skype")
exten => _0X.,n,NoOP(${STRINGA})
exten => _0X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num) = ${STRINGA})
exten => _0X.,n,NoOP(${CALLERID(num)} - ${CALLERID(name)})

and is the output
NoOp("Skype/lab.trentinonetwork.it-08a32278", "mapiazza - Matteo 
Piazza") in new stack
     -- Executing [0461020224 at dial-to-openser:2] 
Set("Skype/lab.trentinonetwork.it-08a32278", "STRINGA="Skype"") in new stack
     -- Executing [0461020224 at dial-to-openser:3] 
NoOp("Skype/lab.trentinonetwork.it-08a32278", "Skype") in new stack
     -- Executing [0461020224 at dial-to-openser:4] 
Set("Skype/lab.trentinonetwork.it-08a32278", "CALLERID(num) = Skype") in 
new stack
     -- Executing [0461020224 at dial-to-openser:5] 
NoOp("Skype/lab.trentinonetwork.it-08a32278", "mapiazza - Matteo 
Piazza") in new stack

As you can see the incoming callerid(num) "mapiazza" doesn't change.

Is there any limitation on skype channel ?


Ing. Matteo Piazza
Trentino Network s.r.l.
Area Ricerca&  Sviluppo
Via Gilli, 2 - 38121 TRENTO
Tel (+39) 0461.020224
Mob (+39) 335.5378482
Fax (+39) 0461.020201
Cap. Soc. sottoscritto  7.573.248,00 - i. v.
REG. IMP. C.F. e P. IVA 01904880224
Società soggetta a direzione e controllo da parte della Provincia
Autonoma di Trento. C.F. e P. IVA 00337460224

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