[asterisk-users] AGI library for C/C++

David Backeberg dbackeberg at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 14:02:23 CDT 2010

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Vieri <rentorbuy at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone knows a good, stable C AGI library (* v. 1.4 and 1.6 compatible).
> I've taken a look at CAGI and QUIVR but their latest code releases date back to 2006.
> I've also seen a more recent project (wildpbx) dated 2009:
> http://github.com/comradeb14ck/wildpbx/tree/master/libraries/agi/c/
> Any suggestions/recommendations for a C AGI library?
> Thanks,
> Vieri

I don't have a good answer to your real question. But my experience
with the AGI libraries with Perl is that the real core of AGI is
consistent. You can build on your own libraries to pass arguments
correctly, etc. But the mean idea of AGI should work pretty well from
1.2 to 1.4 to 1.6.

Why don't you try one of those 'old' ones, and see what problems you
run into. In my experience with my Perl AGI, the problems were at the
highest-level 'layer' that was just simple changes like feed it
arguments with commas rather than pipes. Easy changes.

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