[asterisk-users] Asterisk Crashes - Segmentation Fault

covici at ccs.covici.com covici at ccs.covici.com
Tue Jul 13 11:26:09 CDT 2010

Dan Austin <Dan_Austin at Phoenix.com> wrote:

> Manmohan wrote:
> > My Web-MeetMe_v4.0.1, i followed the instructions in the 
> > README File in the same package.
> Good.  There are other instruction packages, but since I wrote
> the README it is the one I am most familiar with.
> >> Are you using RealTime enabled app_meetme or app_cbmysql 
> >> from the WMM package? ----> 
> > i didnt get this actually what do i need to check here? Please 
> > dont mind but m not so good in opensource world. I try to read and
> > understand and on trial n error basis try  to implement things. 
> > Though had very much interest in learning things.
> Before version 4 of Web-MeetMe (WMM) the scheduling logic for Asterisk
> was in a separate Asterisk application (app_cbmysql).  With version 4 of
> WMM and Asterisk 1.6.2 and later the logic is not part of the MeetMe
> application.
> The README in 4.0.1 lists the steps to setup RealTime (database) support
> for Asterisk and MeetMe.  This narrows down the possible problems, since
> we do not need to consider app_cbmysql.
> Did you install Asterisk from a package with yum, or did you compile it
> yourself?  
> Dan

I am getting this error without webmeetme at all, after upgrading to
svn-275706 from an earlier version 262801.  Its a certain argument of
meetme which I have not trafcked down yet which is causing this.

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         John Covici
         covici at ccs.covici.com

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