[asterisk-users] Pbx_lua vs. calling lua thru AGI?

Gilles codecomplete at free.fr
Thu Jul 1 08:00:02 CDT 2010

On Thu, 1 Jul 2010 15:26:27 +0300, Tzafrir Cohen
<tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com> wrote:
>Re-run ./configure

Ah, hadn't thought of this :-/

>The Debian asterisk package depends on liblua5.1-0-dev and builds
>pbx_lua just fine.

Yes, it did compile after re-running ./configure, make menuconfig,

I'll check how to use extension.lua instead of extensions.conf, and
see how it goes.

Out of curiosity, what are the added-value of pbx_lua + extensions.lua
over calling the Lua interpreter through AGI?

Thank you.

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