[asterisk-users] How to make SpeechBackground keep playing ifutterance doesn't match our grammar

Quinn Weaver quinn at fairpath.com
Mon Jan 25 15:57:26 CST 2010

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Danny Nicholas <danny at debsinc.com> wrote:
> I assume you've tried the $GARBAGE in your grammar to make speech run
> "tightly"?

Yes, we use $GARBAGE currently.  Here's our grammar:

#ABNF 1.0 UTF-8;

language en-US;

mode voice;

tag-format <lumenvox/1.0>;

root $Command;

$Play_Next = [play] next $GARBAGE;
$Quit = quit $GARBAGE;
$Rewind = rewind $GARBAGE;
$Previous = (previous | privius | preevious) $GARBAGE;
$Pause = pause $GARBAGE;
$Fast_Forward = ([fast] forward) $GARBAGE;
$Replay = replay $GARBAGE;

$Command =
      $Play_Next {$ = "play_next";}
    | $Quit {$ = "quit";}
    | $Rewind {$ = "rewind";}
    | $Previous {$ = "previous";}
    | $Pause {$ = "pause";}
    | $Fast_Forward {$ = "fast_forward";}
    | $Rewind {$ = "rewind";}
    | $Replay {$ = "replay";};


[Omitting asterisk-speech-rec due to some problems with Mailman]

Quinn Weaver Consulting, LLC
Full-stack web design and development

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