[asterisk-users] 10/100 voip phones and gigabit connection

Thomas Kenyon digium at sanguinarius.co.uk
Sat Jan 16 04:02:10 CST 2010

Jeff LaCoursiere wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Hans Witvliet wrote:
>> If you connect your pc with GB-lan card to an dual-ported ip-phone, you
>> and up with an 100Mbps lan connection to your pc.
>> Only way to avoid that, is to insert a cheap second lan-card in your pc,
>> and connect your phone to the second lan, so your pc will act as an
>> switch, instead of your phone...
> I'm curious - how have you managed to connect a second LAN card and have 
> it bridge your (presumably onboard) ethernet?  Does Windows have such 
> capability?
Right click on the interface and choose bridge connections.

>  But I guess the OP was running XUbuntu, and though relatively 
> complicated I guess you could get it to do that.
Not all that complicated.

IIRC it's just.

brctl addbr br0
brctl addif eth0
brctl addif eth1

Then configure br0 as your interface.
> j

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