[asterisk-users] 10/100 voip phones and gigabit connection

randall randall at songshu.org
Fri Jan 15 10:56:10 CST 2010

On 01/15/2010 05:01 PM, David Backeberg wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 1:54 AM, randall<randall at songshu.org>  wrote:
>> does anybody know of another solution to this or is my conclusion above
>> simply all the choice there is?
> So let me get this straight.
> You're planning on buying multiple Gigabit, PoE switches,

no, only 1 would be enough, think i will get this one in the link for 
the phones seperately

> and you're
> quibbling over the price

yes, i like to quibble over price, i'm dutch ;)

> The gigabit
> PoE switches are not cheap,

i noticed

> at least if you're buying enterprise
> switches that actually deliver real gigabit, with full cross-sectional
> bandwidth. The cable isn't very much money, and if you double-wire
> now, you're ready when you have twice as many employees in the same
> space.

i already have 3 cat5e wires running to each workplace, at the moment 2 
are occupied with respectively 1 for a desktop and 1 for the "old" phone

> Next, you don't say what this office is like, but I'm going to let you
> in on a little secret. Most people in an office rarely spike to a full
> 100Mbit connection. Do some bandwidth monitoring on your network and
> you'll discover that.

we use a lot of email which is IMAP based, for normal text like this 
email it will not be a problem but we are send huge picture attachments, 
when using 100mbit it can get real sluggish at times especially when you 
are in a hurry to forward them, plus i like to have /home directories 
mounted on the server. a little extra never hurts.

> A gigabit ethernet phone is a nice thing to
> have, but it's more a marketing thing than an actual necessity.

i don't care for the phone to have gigabit connection, its about the 
desktops not losing gigabit connection

> Anybody that can afford a gigabit ethernet switching phone and true
> gigabit ethernet PoE backend can afford a second wire to every desk.

its not the wires at the desk i wanted to get rid off, i was hoping to 
use less in the server room, from the patch panel to the switch.

> Please let me know the use case if you find people can't be happy with
> a 100Mbit connection for the typical Windoze office environment.

windoze? people still use that? ;)
we mostley have Xubuntu based desktops running here, not that it matters 
or is absolutely necessary to have, but its a terrible thing to loose if 
you are used to it, also i use the LAN here sometimes for cluster testing.

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