[asterisk-users] Really Silly Question From Total Newbie

UIT DEVELOPMENT uitdev at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 15:50:57 CST 2010

> Really? A buck-fifty a month is going to kill the project? I live in San
> Diego, California where SDG&E screws us for thirty cents a kilowatt-hour.

Yea.  Sort of.  I am recently unemployed.   Got plenty of time on my
hands now and I am trying to not incur any more costs than I need.

> How much is that dual Pentium space heater costing you a month :)

We're not paying much over $50 a month right now in the dead of
winter.  Nat Gas is a different story....    We're in Charlotte, NC -
Duke Power.   We're quite diligent about our electric use.  Right now
nothing is on except the PC I am sending from - not even that server.
I have the temp set to 68.  At night it goes to 63.  At the height of
summer with AC running nearly 24x7 we'll be suprised if its over $100.
   I guess nuclear out here is cheap, I dont know.   WATER is a
different story.  The water bill sucks.

Actually, I've had that thing on 24x7 in the past and the difference
in electric costs is not much.  That doesnt mean I would want to tack
on even more, another subscription that I really dont wish to have
right now...  Its just for fun.   If need be I have another Dell - a
500SC w/2GB RAM, 1 CPU at 1400mhz.    Not sure if its capable.

Thanks for the advice and such..

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Steve Edwards <asterisk.org at sedwards.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jan 2010, UIT DEVELOPMENT wrote:
>> As I got to reading I began to see things like "provider", as you've
>> said here, and unfortunately if that is the only way then I will have
>> to stop here as I do not have funds to further this little experiment.
> --
> Thanks in advance,
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Steve Edwards       sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
> Newline                                              Fax: +1-760-731-3000
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