[asterisk-users] Panasonic trunk asterisk over h323

Jean Alcala jalcala at fundacite-falcon.gob.ve
Thu Dec 23 15:28:44 UTC 2010

Our Organization has a Panasonic PBX KX-TDA200 with a V-IPGW16 card and
I could not make links with our asterisk server h323 through.

While I set ooh323.conf .. but apparently I adjust certain things in
panasonic PBX, it gives me busy this message:

Executing [904246758277 @ from-internal: 1] Dial ("SIP/232-b5a10a88",
"ooh323/904246758277 @ pbxpanasonic") in new stack
     - Called @ pbxpanasonic 904246758277
   == Everyone is busy / congested at this time (1:0 / 0 / 1)

Could you tell me How To settings PANASONIC TDA200.

Thanks in advance ...

Jean Alcala 
Unidad TIC 
jalcala at fundacite-falcon.gob.ve 
Every cloud engenders not a storm. -- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"

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