[asterisk-users] Unexpected dialplan match

Daniel Tryba daniel at tryba.nl
Mon Dec 20 17:35:21 UTC 2010

I was wondering why *foo at default should match '_*[0-9a-zA-Z].*0.' 
in 1.6.13. Who is making the parse error, * or me?

CLI> dialplan show  *foo at default
'_*[0-9a-zA-Z].*0.' =>
     1. NoOp(${EXTEN})                             [pbx_config]
     2. Set(accountcode=${CUT(EXTEN,*,2)})         [pbx_config]
     3. Set(extension=${CUT(EXTEN,*,3)})           [pbx_config]
     4. Set(CDR(accountcode)=${accountcode})       [pbx_config]
     7. ResetCDR()                                 [pbx_config]
     8. ...


   Daniel Tryba

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