[asterisk-users] Help with FastAGI server in Windows

Miguel Molina mmolina at millenium.com.co
Mon Apr 19 11:56:00 CDT 2010

Steve Howes escribió:
> On 19 Apr 2010, at 17:00, Edwin Quijada wrote:
>> Hi! I am trying to do a FastAGI server in windows. I am using the example from their page but I dont get anything. Anybody here has experienced with Fastagi in windows and perl that give a rigth direction to do this. I have experience with AGI but fastagi dont
> This is the third thread you have created for this. You're boring me now.
> S
Why don't to try it in Java? Use the asterisk-java library 
(http://www.asterisk-java.org/) and you can run the FastAGI server in 
any OS.


Ing. Miguel Molina
Grupo de Tecnología
Millenium Phone Center

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