[asterisk-users] Asterisk in Debian/Lenny without Junghanns.net support?

Darshaka Pathirana dpat at syn-net.org
Sun Apr 11 12:45:34 CDT 2010


Asterisk in Debian/Lenny claims to be bristuffed, not? At least the
the Debian patch tracking system shows the bristuff-patches:

[1] http://bit.ly/bRRHe7

We have a QuadBRI-Card and recently needed support from Junghanns.net
but they refused telling us there is no bristuff installed because of
the show version output:

*CLI> show version
Asterisk built by pbuilder @ grnetbox on a  
x86_64 running Linux on 2009-12-14 19:04:56 UTC

Why was the "bristuffed" line removed? Debian/Etch did have that

After telling them Debian/Lenny IS bristuffed they said this
"installation method" is not supported. Huh?!
Does anyone has a comment on this?

 - Darsha

P.s.: X-Posted to debian-user and asterisk-user list.

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