[asterisk-users] D-Channel Span Up without Down

voip88 Eric asteriskcard at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 8 09:48:45 CDT 2010

i think it should be ok. if down, you can not make calls.

Best wishes!
Asterisk Support group for sangoma, digium...
websites: www.cnasterisk.com, www.voip88.com

Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 11:44:16 -0400
From: stotaro at first-notification.com
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] D-Channel Span Up without Down

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Jason Walker <jason.walker at amgsrv.com> wrote:

I am getting a bunch of Primary D-Channel on span 1 up but
there was not a down message before that.


Is this normal?

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No, the font size is not normal.

Steve T 
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