[asterisk-users] How to get "Call-ID" SIP header outside "chan_sip" scope ...

Mauro Sergio Ferreira Brasil mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br
Mon Sep 28 14:56:25 CDT 2009

Hello there!

I really hate when this happens, but...
It seems channel variable "SIPCALLID" will have the info I need, so the 
changes will be reduced to propagate the channel to ARA driver method 

If someone have any additional info, or can indicate some problem on 
using this variable, please let me know.

Thanks and best regards,

Mauro Sergio Ferreira Brasil escreveu:
> Hello there!
> I'm working on some modifications on Asterisk to adapt it to our needs 
> considering some particular demandings of the infraestructure we want to 
> provide.
> Two of these modifications are:
> 1- A proprietary configuration driver that will communicate with a 
> server that will be the source of information for the entire 
> infraestructure; and,
> 2- A call control application that will be responsible for call timing 
> control and pre-paid support;
> Here we are prioritizing internal modifications and loadable modules 
> (like modules, applications, etc) against external AGI components to 
> acchieve the best performance possible for the entire solution.
> One problem we have here is to find out the best option (even one that 
> results on some internal Asterisk files changing) that allow us to 
> propagate the SIP header "Call-ID" to both modules described above.
> The best shot we have until now is to use the "callid" field from the 
> "sip_pvt" structure of SIP channel, what will lead us to two 
> considerable code changes: 1- Propagate the channel to method 
> "realtime_var_get" of our proprietary ARA driver; and 2- Duplication of 
> necessary structs to a header (".h") file so the modules can "navigate" 
> on private structure "sip_pvt".
> The first change isn't big deal. But the need of validation of the 
> second modification, every time we make a merge with updated codes is 
> concerning me a lot.
> Does anyone have a better approach to get this done ?
> Thanks and best regards,

*Technology and Quality on Information*
Mauro Sérgio Ferreira Brasil
Coordenador de Projetos e Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br <mailto:@tqi.com.br>
: www.tqi.com.br <http://www.tqi.com.br>
( + 55 (34)3291-1700
( + 55 (34)9971-2572

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