[asterisk-users] VOIP solutions

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 14:07:58 CDT 2009

On 26/09/09 19:42, Hans Witvliet wrote:
<snip />

> What you can do (perhaps not the best solution...) is having one
> asterisk server behind your firewall, serving all your local
> sip-clients. And another at the other side of the firewall, only for
> serving remote clients. And have both systems talking to each other with
> IAX instead of SIP....
> In that case you _only_ have to allow port 4569 for IAX instead of 5060
> and 10000...20000 for SIP

Hmmm, has anyone tried SIP over a VPN?

We are thinking of testing this but haven't yet...


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