[asterisk-users] digium fax: can't indicate condition 19?

sean darcy seandarcy2 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 20:26:41 CDT 2009

In my attempts to set up digium fax I get an odd warning:

     -- Executing [s at Capture-Fax:2] ReceiveFAX("SIP/173-b53023e8", 
"/var/spool/asterisk/fax/20090921_1806.tif") in new stack
     -- Channel 'SIP/173-b53023e8' receiving fax 
[Sep 21 18:06:37] WARNING[5149]: chan_sip.c:5561 sip_indicate: Don't 
know how to indicate condition 19
     -- Channel 'SIP/173-b53023e8' fax session '7' started

Is there some list of these conditions? Should I care?


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