[asterisk-users] Voicemail Crash - ODBC Realtime

Tilghman Lesher tlesher at digium.com
Mon Sep 21 14:02:45 CDT 2009

On Monday 21 September 2009 01:46:55 pm Ekelund, Bryan wrote:
> Running on CentOS 5.3
> Using ODBC with mysql for voicemail storage. Everytime my dialplan tries to
> open a connection to save a message or retrieve a stored message, Asterisk
> dumps out and restarts with:
> Asterisk ended with exit status 127
> Asterisk died with code 127.
> Automatically restarting Asterisk.
> mpg123: no process killed
> It restarts fine, but still no voicemail. Nothing in a Mysql query log show
> anything of any interest either. Switching back to 'flat file' storage
> works fine. Any thoughts?

Please read doc/backtrace.txt.  You've given just enough information to verify
that there is a problem, but not enough to diagnose where the problem lies.


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