[asterisk-users] Looking for a way to show caller id information onthe desktop

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Thu Sep 10 13:02:11 CDT 2009


> [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Jonathan 
> Moore
> My problem, I can't figure out how to ask this question.  So, hopefully 
> someone out here can point me to the FM on this.
> I would like to have either a web page or an application that I can view 
> that whenever a call arrives on the Asterisk server the application will 
> display the callerid information.  I've found quite a few examples of 
> the reverse of this.  To where a script is called to GET the callerid 
> information, but that's not what I'm looking for.
> Is it possible, and if so, where should I start looking to find a 
> solution to this?  I've failed at google so far, and I think I'm just 
> not asking the right question.

On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Danny Nicholas wrote:

> The asterisk GUI offers this.  To "Roll your own", simply do an asterisk 
> -rx "core show channels" and filter that output to your browser.

It kind of depends on what you are trying to accomplish. With the limited 
information provided, there are several ways. It's up to you to choose :)

As Danny says, "-rx" is one way. I'd suggest AMI as less resource 
intensive. Both of these are "polling" Asterisk and you're limited to the 
information you can scrape out of the output. If all you want is the ANI, 
"show channels concise" will do. Otherwise, you'd have to iterate over all 
the channels with "show channel foo." Yuk.

Another way would be to call an AGI in your dialplan after the call is 
answered to stuff the CID and whatever else you want into a database and 
then call an AGI (via "h") at the end of the call to clear it.

I used the "AGI" method in an inbound call center a few years ago where 
there were 6-10 supervisors and managers viewing the agent's status via a 
web page that refreshed every couple of seconds. All the "abuse" was on 
the database instead of Asterisk.

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards       sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                              Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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