[asterisk-users] passing commands asterisk cli and getting output using PHP AGI

James Mutuku listmutuku at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 03:41:40 CDT 2009

I have included that but my scripts goes silent at

AGI Rx << EXEC Flite "Hello 1215, you have dialed 1220."
AGI Tx >> 200 result=0

Below is my script

#!/usr/bin/php -q



      $agi = new AGI();
      $asm = $agi->new_AsteriskManager();
      $callext = $agi->get_variable("DNID");
      $callid = $agi->get_variable("CALLERID(num)");

      $agi->exec("Flite","\"Hello $callid, you have dialed $callext.\"");

      $asm->command("show hints");

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