[asterisk-users] OSLEC with DAHDI and Linksys/Sipura

Martin asterisklist at callthem.info
Fri Oct 23 13:57:51 CDT 2009

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 5:41 AM, Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com> wrote:
>> Well, I've never used zaptel for Linsys/Sipura adapter as zaptel does not
>> make any difference on their operations.
>> and I'm not sure that DAHDI drivers exist for Linksys/Sipura adapters.
>> DAHDI stands for "Digium Asterisk Hardware Device Interface" so I don't
>> see how can I take advantage of DAHDI with Sipura adapters.
> Which is only because nobody wrote it yet.
writing a DAHDI driver for a SIP device would be counter productive ...
you'd have to implement a big chunk of the SIP stack in the kernel ...

it'd be easier to write a virtual dahdi driver for one channel that
will loop back to itself on the opposite end...
then you connect opposite end to B leg via another Dial ....

so again ...

SIP device -- incoming call --> Asterisk -- Dial --> virtual dahdi
channel1 -- virtual loopback --> virtual dahdi channel2 -- (incoming
call) --> Asterisk -- Dial --> SIP destination or whatever

that way EC can work both ways or you can turn it on one way only ...
via some dialplan application


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