[asterisk-users] FXS to SIP gateway

Ivan Stepaniuk ivan at albafotonica.com
Wed Oct 14 04:37:18 CDT 2009

jonas kellens wrote:
> Hello list !
> I don't have the money to test out all the products and reading the
> manuals is not always that enlightening...
> Does someone here know a good gateway-product that lets analogue
> telephones communicate with an Asterisk-server.
> I have found the Grandstream GXW-400x to be able to add SIP-accounts to
> analogue telephone devices that are connected to the FXS-ports. Moreover
> this product has a backup-PSTN line for emergency calls and backup.
> Could you advice other products/manufacturers ?

I hope to see more replies because I was in your situation some years ago.
I'm far from an expert, but in my experience, at _that_ price range you
don't have a lot of products to choose from, the Cisco SPA3102 is
similar to what you are describing (Plus it's also a PSTN GW). Of this
kind, I used GXW-4004 and Linksys PAP2, SPA3000 (the Cisco 3102
predecesor), also some larger AddPac ATAs (www.addpac.com) with
excellent results, all of them have their pros and cons. The Digium
TDM410 cards and they have a very good price/quality relation, plus they
are intended for asterisk, plus you are supporting asterisk development.

For an ATA (FXS only) list you can check

Iván Stepaniuk
Alba Fotónica S.L.

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