[asterisk-users] Mp3 for IVR prompts

RSCL Mumbai rscl.mumbai at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 21:45:37 CDT 2009

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 11:47 PM, Steve Edwards
<asterisk.org at sedwards.com>wrote:

> On Sat, 10 Oct 2009, RSCL Mumbai wrote:
> > How should I convert my .wav prompts into aLaw, uLaw, G729 ?
> The standard Asterisk prompts are already available in a wide variety of
> encodings.
> Try "googling" for "asterisk convert mp3 to wav"
> Some will suggest to use Asterisk. Besides appearing to use a sledgehammer
> for a fly-swatter, I don't like using a mission critical resource when
> there are better alternatives like sox -- especially for scripting.
> g729 will be a bit of a bitch, however.
> I cobbled up a script to use mpg123 (to convert from MP3 to WAV), sox,
> and normalize.

My IVR prompts are in .WAV format.

Refering to your previous post :
You should strive to have prompts available in all the channel encodings
actually used by your system. I have systems that only use ULAW, so all of
my prompts are encoded as ULAW. (Sometimes I "cheat" and use WAV files
since they are easier to work with and transcoding from WAV to ULAW is

Can I convert my .WAV IVR greetings, MOH and other recordings into G729
format to prevent transcoding and hence CPU usage ?

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