[asterisk-users] No sound on voicemail from analog line

Ivan Stepaniuk ivan at albafotonica.com
Sat Oct 10 13:10:07 CDT 2009

Landy Landy wrote:
>> Do you mean that incoming calls on your PSTN line works as
>> they should, 
>> but not when they reach the voicemail? or that incomming
>> calls on PSTN 
>> are always mute?
> Incoming calls on PSTN line work as they should but, when someone leaves a voicemail message the messege is mute. When I try to retrieve the messeges I get the prompt that says how many messeages are there
Post the relevant part of your extensions.conf, * version, CLI output 
when the caller leaves a message and when you retrieve the message.

Iván Stepaniuk
Alba Fotónica S.L.

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