[asterisk-users] No sound on voicemail from analog line

Ivan Stepaniuk ivan at albafotonica.com
Fri Oct 9 14:03:47 CDT 2009

Landy Landy wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a server installed with asterisk 1.6. I have a PSTN line that comes in to one of those clone cards. Everything seem to be working fine. The only problem I have is that I can't get voicemails coming from the PSTN line. All other: SIP, IAX work fine. I can hear those ok but, when it comes to a call that comes in from PSTN I get no sound
Do you mean that incoming calls on your PSTN line works as they should, 
but not when they reach the voicemail? or that incomming calls on PSTN 
are always mute?

Iván Stepaniuk
Alba Fotónica S.L.

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