[asterisk-users] Digium G729 licence unattended install

Olivier oza-4h07 at myamail.com
Fri Oct 9 02:41:38 CDT 2009


One of the key features of Asterisk is that we can install it on many
hardware platforms.
We've done our best to script this installation process, so that, in case of
hardware failure, we can re-install Asterisk on another platform.

The question I have is how can we adapt our process so that Digium's G729
licences (or other licenced software) could be installed without asking too
long interactive sessions.

Before digging deeper into this topic, I guessed the installation process
could be :

A- install operating system on new provisioned bare-metal machine,
B- install interactively Digium's G729 program,
C- save relevant files on another media,
D- launch unattended installation of operating system and  Asterisk (using
saved files).

1. Do you think it could be possible to interactively produce needed files
on a provisioning server (steps B, C) or to fully script licenced software
installation ?

2. We're using virtual machines to duplicate production systems for
troubleshooting and development. On virtual environment such as Virtual Box,
it is possible to set things like MAC address but not to set Processor speed
or ID (I think virtual machines inherit many host machine characteristics).
Is it then possible to buy and use, one at a time, the same licence to mimic
differents production systems ?

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