[asterisk-users] make sounds - doesn't pull all audio tarballs.

Karl Fife karlfife at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 10:50:04 CST 2009

The 'Make sounds' routine into Makefile doesn't seem to "pre-fetch" all of 
the audio tarballs.
Is this an oversight or is there a strategic reason for it?

Specifically it doesn't seem to fetch the MOH tracks for selected codec's. 
For example, during the most recent 1.6.1 update, the g.722 
(asterisk-moh-opsound-g722.tar.gz) wasn't downloaded until "make install"

I know I can download the files manually into /sounds in the source tree 
from http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/sounds/releases/
but since the framework is already in place to pre-fetch these audio 
tarballs it seems like a conspicuous omission to exclude the MOH tracks.


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