[asterisk-users] problem with an agi in PHP

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Mon Mar 9 17:09:15 CDT 2009

On Mon, 9 Mar 2009, Danny Nicholas top posted, veering far off topic:

> What you proved was that you will eventually diss whatever I write.

According to Wikipedia:

 	to dis, African American Vernacular English slang meaning "to

I mean no disrespect and I don't target "whatever" you write.

My knowledge of Asterisk is pretty limited, so there are a lot of posts 
that either don't interest me or I don't have anything of value to offer.

I only reply to a post when I think I can contribute to the thread or to 
correct an incorrect or misleading reply. I feel an enormous debt to this 
list because a couple of posts and a few code snippets by Tony Mountifield 
pulled my bacon out of a $500,000 lawsuit a few years ago.

I figure if I can tackle some of the easy ones, the people who really know 
what's going on can give more attention to the difficult ones.

AGI is an area I do know a bit about, so when I see "agi" in a subject 
line, I read it.

I may take a "swipe" at somebody when they insist on top posting (a pet 
peeve of mine) or when the post is incomprehensible, but I mean no 

If our paths should cross some day, say hi and I'll buy you a beer :)

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards      sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                             Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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