[asterisk-users] Fw: RE:Nagios under *[solved]

Sriram d_r_sriram at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 20 01:22:31 CDT 2009

Hi Steve

Thanks for all your help, i followed your answers and found on that nagios was being run as user nagios....and if i executed the last command it asked for a password [i tried nagios password,root password etc] but it did not work..it the end i opened nagios.cfg and changed the NAGIOS_USER to root and changed the ownership permissons on the script also to root..I now get the correct status on the Nagios interface..

thanks for all your help - Sriram

) What PATH does the script have when run by the Nagios process?

) Are there any permissions issues on the directories in the path to the 

Not having ever run Nagios, I'm shooting from the hip a bit. I'm guessing 
these commands may shed some light:

) Get the username running Nagios.

 	ps -aef | grep --ignore-case nagios

) What output do you get from a command like:

 	cd /tmp/
 	sudo -u <username-running-Nagios> <full-path-of-script>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Sriram 
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com 
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 11:51 PM
Subject: RE:Nagios under *

Hi Steve

I tried your script :

        STATUS=$(sudo asterisk -rnx "pri show span 1"\
                 | awk '/Status/ {print $3}'\

         if      [ "Up," == "${STATUS}" ]
         then    echo "PRI UP"
                 exit 0
         else    echo "PRI DOWN"
                 exit 2

but still i get PRI down in the Nagios web interface while if i execute this command from command line i get PRI UP...i m really going mad..did a clean install again but still same problem.. Iv;e also given permission of 777 to the script and saved it under /usr/local/nagios and given the same path in commands.cfg under objects folder of /usr/local/nagios/etc ... can anyone please help me out ?

Thanks Sriram

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