[asterisk-users] voicemail

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Tue Jun 9 09:41:49 CDT 2009

Jeff LaCoursiere schrieb:

> "Has anyone patched the voicemail app such that inside/outside messages 
> are CLEARLY supported", i.e. they have menu options for recording inside 
> and outside greetings, and the app can accept some form of argument 
> specifying an inside or outside call?

You could (ab)use the distinction between unavailable/busy for
internal/external, i.e. modify the announcement in VoiceMailMain()
and call VoiceMail(...,u) for internal calls and VoiceMail(...,b)
for external calls.

Or you could do something like
to play custom announcements for internal/external.
You could either modify the announcement in VoiceMailMain() so
users are not mislead or add extensions (*99, *98, whatever) to
record the announcements.

Or you could use MiniVM in Asterisk 1.6 I guess.

    Philipp Kempgen
AMOOMA GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied  ->  http://www.amooma.de
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Wintermeyer, Handelsregister: Neuwied B14998
Asterisk: http://the-asterisk-book.com - http://das-asterisk-buch.de
Videos of the AMOOCON VoIP conference 2009 ->  http://www.amoocon.de

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