[asterisk-users] How run AsyncAGI commands in background

Jose Arias cyr2242 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 16:37:19 CDT 2009

Hi Moy, 

I'll do it so, but for your answer, it seems you are thinking about it 
as it could be a bug. I don't think so. I mean: the redirect action on a 
channel in AsyncAGI stops the current agi execution. It's the normal 
behavior. It's the way to stop a playfile on a channel if it was 
previously launched from AsyncAGI: making a redirect out of the AsyncAGI 

Therefore, when I realized the previously launched EXE MixMonitor 
AsyncAGI execution was stopping after doing a redirect to meetme, I 
didn't think it was a bug. I though what I was needing it was a way to 
tell AsyncAGI, "hey, don't stop this agi execution on the channel, even 
it will be redirected out of AGI" on an individual basis for each 
AsyncAGI EXEC command launched.


Moises Silva escribió:

 > then it should work, create a *simple* extensions.conf and pastebin it
 > along with instructions so I can try to reproduce.
 > > On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Jose Arias<cyr2242 at gmail.com 
<http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users>> wrote:
 > >/ Hi,
/> >/ Asterisk 1.4.18
/> >/ AsyncAGI patch from http://moythreads.com/testasync2.diff
/> >/ Regards
/> >/ Jose

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