[asterisk-users] Friday July 31st at 12 Noon EDT: Dave Nelsen, Skype for Asterisk beta opens, Gizmo Voice + Google Voice = free SIP calls

randulo spamsucks2005 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 10:11:10 CDT 2009


Plenty to talk about today. Dave Nelsen, a founder of Talkshoe, has a
lot of experience in the telecommunications space and he joins us
today to chat about its current state, conferencing and whatever else
comes to mind. So we have a meta conference aout conferencing, it
won't be the first time :)

You probably saw John Todd's message on one of the lists: Skype for
Asterisk is in open beta: go for it. Pricing isn't yet established,
but other questions may be answered today.

One of our regulars, Maxim, mentioned GizmoVoice.com which explains
everything you wanted to know about getting a free Google Voice number
and being able to use it with SIP, thanks to Gizmo & co. I've done
this with OpenSky and it has worked well so far.

Join us at 12 Noon EDT, 9AM PDT, 5PM UK or: http://tr.im/vuctime for
your time zone.

Info at http://VUC.me

Backchannel text chat IRC #voip-users-conference (irc.freenode.net)

See you there


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